You are here: Introduction > Modeling/Getting Started > Logic > Time
ProModel offers statements and functions that allow you to use the time that has elapsed within the simulation as a component of your model Logic.
The Clock function is a system function that returns the amount of time elapsed in the simulation. The Clock function can be assigned to Variables or Attributes, or used in other types of Logic statements.
To use the Clock function, use the syntax
where units is the unit of time that you would like to use. If no time unit is specified, the Clock function will default to whatever default time unit is set in ProModel's General Information window.
If you define the statement
Var1 = Clock(min)
in the Logic of a Location, the Variable Var1 will be assigned the amount of time that has elapsed in the simulation in minutes when an Entity reaches that Location. Note that if you plan to assign the Clock function to a Variable or an Attribute, then the Variable or Attribute must be of type Real.
The Log statement allows you to record the time from one statement to another when used in tandem with the Clock function. The Log statement can be used to determine how long an Entity takes to travel from one Location to another, or other similar information.
To use the Log statement, use the syntax
Log “<log name>”, <element name>
where log name is the name you would like to give this particular Log result.
The element name field is the name of an Attribute that you have assigned to the Clock function.
Let’s say you have a model representing a coffee shop. Customers enter the system through the front door, line up to order at the front desk, sit and drink their coffee at a table, and then leave the system through the door. If you wanted to track how much time had elapsed between when a customer entered the system and when they sat down at a table, you would start by assigning an Attribute to the Clock function in the Logic of the front door Location.
aDoor = Clock()
You would then need to include the statement
Log “Door to Table”, aDoor
at a table Location to calculate the “Door to Table” time, which would be the time it took an Entity to travel to that table after entering through the door.
For more information on the statements used in this example, see the Clock section of this guide.
The SysClock function returns the System date and time when the function is invoked in logic.
To use the SysClock function, use the syntax
to return the System date and time when the function is invoked.
The TimeLeft function returns the time remaining if the preemption occurred during a Wait statement. The value returned is in default time units and must be checked before any processing delay occurs since the value is updated whenever a preemption takes place. If the value is referred to later, it should be assigned to the Entity’s Attribute or to a local Variable.
If several Entities were preempted at a Location, the value returned by the function to each Entity will be taken from whichever Entity has the largest time remaining in the Wait statement.
When no units are specified in the parentheses in this function, it returns the default time unit specified in ProModel's General Information dialog.
To use the TimeLeft function, use the syntax