Entity-Related Operation Statement
The Wait statement instructs an Entity to wait at a particular Location for a specified time. Use the Wait statement to simulate the time it takes to process an Entity. Note that the Wait statement may be used in Routes Logic, but the Entity waits in the Route's source Location rather than in the Route itself.
Wait <time expression>
<time expression>
The amount of time the Entity waits. Unit is the unit of time. If the unit field is blank, ProModel uses the default time unit specified in ProModel's General Information window.
Parameter Example
Suppose you have a model that produces two types of Entities: TypeA and TypeB. You create an Attribute called aType to keep track of Entities types. If aType's value is 0, the Entity is TypeA. If aType's value is 1, the Entity is TypeB. In your model, there is an Inspection Location, and you want the TypeA Entity inspection to take five minutes and the TypeB Entity inspection to take 10 minutes. To achieve this result, set the Time setting for the Inspection Location to 5 Min in the Simulation Properties panel.
Next, define the statements...
If aType = 1
Then Wait 5 min
...in the Inspection Location Logic. If an Entity that has the aType Attribute with a value of 0 enters the Inspection Location, it waits there only for the five minutes specified in the Simulation Properties of the Inspection Location. If an Entity that has the aType Attribute with a value of 1 enters the Inspection Location, it wait an additional five minutes on top of the five minutes specified in the Simulation Properties of the Inspection Location for a total of 10 minutes.
For more information on the statements used in this example, see If...Then Statements. Additionally, see Flows for more information on how to edit Locations and Routes Properties in a Flow.
You may use the "^" symbol in place of a Wait statement.
Wait is valid in operation, downtime, and move logic. Independent subroutines may also use Wait statements which function as timers.
Time spent in a Wait statement is considered "Operation Time" in the Entity's and Location's simulation statistics. For more information on how to interpret simulation statistics, see Simulation Results.