Entity-Related Operation Statement
The Unload statement pulls the temporarily loaded Entities from your base Entity after using the Load statement. Once Entities are unloaded, they proceed ahead of the base Entity. Note that unloaded Entities must have a Flow path defined for them, or a Flow set to All that they can follow once they are unloaded.
Unload <expression> {Iff <Boolean expression>}
Syntax Examples
Unload 5
Unload 5 Iff Entity() = EntA
The temporarily loaded Entities amount to unload. If the number field is blank, ProModel assumes the number is 1.
{Iff <Boolean expression>}
An optional part of the statement to add a condition to your Unload statement without having to create a separate If...Then statement. If the Iff field is included, the Unload statement only executes if the condition of the Boolean expression is met.
Parameter Examples
Suppose you want to load a collection of 10 Package Entities onto a Truck Entity to travel to another model part. First, route the Package Entities from their Location to the Parking Location where the Truck Entity is waiting using the If Load Routing Rule. Next, define the statement...
Load 10
...in the Parking Location Logic. The Package Entities wait at their Location per the If Load Routing Rule until a Truck Entity arrived at the Parking Location, executing the Load statement. At that point, 10 Package Entities travel to the Parking Location and load onto the Truck Entity.
Now, suppose you want to unload all of the Package Entities from the Truck once they reach a Warehouse Location. To do this, define the statement...
Unload 10
...in the Warehouse Location Logic.
Unload is valid in the process edit tables' operation column only. Unload is not valid at conveyors, after routing, or at the end of a queue. You may not use Unload in combination with Combine, Create, Group, Ungroup, and Split As, or other Unload in the same process logic. If the process contains Load statements, Unload can only appear once after all of them.