Entity-Related Operation Statement
The Move statement advances an Entity to the end of a Conveyor immediately when the statement is encountered. Use the Move statement to explicitly control an entity's progress through a Conveyor.
Move {For <time expression>}
Syntax Examples
Move For .25 min
Move For 3.2
<time expression>
The amount of time needed for the Entity to travel through the queue. This expression is ignored for Conveyors. It is evaluated every time the statement is encountered and should be on the same line as the Move command.
Parameter Examples
Suppose your model has some Large Entities and some are Small. You define an Attribute to keep track of an Entity's size: aSize. An aSize value of 0 marks an Entity as Small and an aSize value of 1 marks an Entity as Large. All Entities in your model must travel on a Conveyor. Since the Large Entities are bigger and take more time to process, you want the Small Entities to be able to overtake them on the Conveyor. To achieve this result, define the statements...
If aSize = 0
Then Move
} the Conveyor Logic. If an Entity with 0 aSize value enters the Conveyor, it is able to immediately move to the end.
For more information on the statements used in this example, see If...Then Statements.
The Move statement can only be defined in the Conveyor Logic, and a Move statement may not appear more than once in the same Logic.
If there is no Move statement when an Entity enters a queue or Conveyor, it executes all the processing logic defined for the Entity at that Location and then moves to the queue or Conveyor's end. For queues, its movement time is based on the Entity's speed and the queue's length. For Conveyors, its movement time is based on the Conveyor speed and length.
If an Entity processing at a queue or Conveyor encounters a Move statement, the Entity stops executing the processing logic, moves to the end of the queue or Conveyor in the appropriate amount of time, and then resumes the processing logic. The move-time for an Entity on a Conveyor is calculated using the following formula:
Time = (Conveyor Length - Entity Length or Width)/Conveyor Speed
For a Conveyor, if additional logic follows a Move statement, the Entity must advance to the last position on the Conveyor before the remaining logic is executed.