You are here: Introduction > Modeling/Getting Started > Logic > Incrementing and Decrementing
Incrementing and Decrementing
In a ProModel simulation, it can sometimes be helpful to increment or decrement certain values as events occur in the system. ProModel offers a series of statements to easily execute increments and decrements as you create Logic for your model.
The Inc statement adds a specified amount to a Variable or an Attribute every time an Entity enters the Location or Route where the statement is defined.
To use the Inc statement, use the syntax
Inc <Variable or Attribute>,<number>
where number is the amount you wish to add to your Variable or Attribute every time the statement is executed. If no number is specified, the Inc statement will default to adding 1 to your Variable or Attribute.
The following statement adds 1 to the Attribute Attr1
Inc Attr1
And the following statement adds 5 to the Variable Var1
Inc Var1,5
The Inc statement is a more concise execution of a mathematical expression adding a value to the initial Variable or Attribute value.
For example, the statement
Inc Attr1,6
functions in the same way as
Attr1 = Attr1 + 6
While using the Inc statement is the more streamlined option, both methods will achieve the same end result and either option is acceptable.
The Dec statement subtracts a specified amount from a Variable or an Attribute every time an Entity enters the Location or Route where the statement is defined.
To use the Dec statement, use the syntax
Dec <Variable or Attribute>,<number>
where number is the amount you wish to subtract from your Variable or Attribute every time the statement is executed. If no number is specified, the Dec statement will default to subtracting 1 from your Variable or Attribute.
The following statement subtracts 1 from the Attribute Attr1
Dec Attr1
And the next statement subtracts 4 from the Variable Var1
Dec Var1,4
The Dec statement is a more concise execution of a mathematical expression subtracting a value from the initial Variable or Attribute value.
For example, the statement
Dec Attr1,7
functions in the same way as
Attr1 = Attr1 - 7
While using the Dec statement is the more streamlined option, both methods will achieve the same end result and either option is acceptable.
The IncEntCost statement increments the cost (positively or negatively) of an Entity by a given amount. The Entities that will be incremented are the Entities that enter the Location or Route where this statement is included in the Logic.
To use the IncEntCost statement, use the syntax
IncEntCost <number>
where number is the positive or negative amount that you would like to add to the Entity’s cost. The number field may not be left blank.
If an Entity has an initial cost of 10 and then enters a Location that has the statement
IncEntCost 5
defined in its Logic, the cost of the Entity will then be 15. Similarly, if an Entity has an initial cost of 10 and then enters a Location that has the statement
IncEntCost -8
defined in its Logic, the cost of the Entity will then be 2.
The IncLocCost statement increases the cost (positively or negatively) of the Location where the statement is defined in the Logic every time an Entity passes through that Location. Note that this statement may only be used for Locations and not for Routes.
To use the IncLocCost statement, use the syntax
IncLocCost <number>
where number is the positive or negative amount that you would like to add to the Location’s cost. The number field may not be left blank.
Let's say a Location has an hourly cost of 10 and also has the statement
IncLocCost 2
defined in its Logic. If the simulation runs for 12 hours and the Location has a total of 75 Entities pass through it, the total cost for the Location at the end of the simulation would be 270.
12 (hours in simulation) * 10 (hourly cost) + 75 (Entities) * 2 (IncLocCost value) = 270
Similarly, suppose a Location has an hourly cost of 10 and also has the statement
IncLocCost -2
defined in its Logic. If the simulation runs for 24 hours and the Location has a total of 50 Entities pass through it, the total cost for the Location at the end of the simulation would be 140.
24 (hours in simulation) * 10 (hourly cost) + 50 (Entities) * -2 (IncLocCost value) = 140
The IncResCost statement increments the cost (positively or negatively) of a Resource by a given amount every time the Resource is “owned” by an Entity in a Location or Route where the IncResCost statement is defined in the Logic. Note that a Resource must be “owned” by the Entity in a Location or Route in order to execute the IncResCost statement. For more information on the Get statement, which can be used to have Entities “own” Resources, see the Get section of this guide.
To use the IncResCost statement, use the syntax
IncResCost <number>
where number is the positive or negative amount that you would like to add to the Resource’s cost. The number field may not be left blank.
Let’s say a Resource called Rec1 has an hourly cost of 10 and a Location that Rec1 is able to interface with has the statements
Get Rec1
Wait 10 min
IncRecCost 5
Free Rec1
defined in its Logic. If the simulation runs for 12 hours and a total of 10 Entities pass through this particular Location, the total cost of Rec1 at the end of the simulation will be 170.
12 (hours in simulation) * 10 (hourly cost) + 10 (Entities) * 5 (IncRecCost value) = 170
Similarly, suppose a Resource called Rec2 has an hourly cost of 10 and a Location that Rec2 is able to interface with has the statements
Get Rec2
Wait 10 min
IncRecCost -2
Free Rec2
defined in its Logic. If the simulation runs for 24 hours and a total of 15 Entities pass through this particular Location, the total cost of Rec2 at the end of the simulation will be 210.
24 (hours in simulation) * 10 (hourly cost) + 15 (Entities) * (-2) (IncRecCost value) = 210