Entity-Related Operation Statement
The Split statement divides an Entity into a specified quantity of new Entities when it reaches a particular Location. Note that Split cannot be used in the Route Logic. Use the Split statement to simulate dividing raw materials into new components.
Split <expression> AS <new entity name>
Syntax Example
Split 10 As Entx
The new Entities amount to split into. ProModel evaluates this expression every time it encounters the statement.
AS <new entity name>
The new Entity's type identifying label, (i.e., the post-split Entity name). Note that new Entity name must match an Entity defined in the Simulation Browser's Entities tab. It must also be different from the old Entity; you cannot use the Split statement to split an Entity into more versions of itself. Note also that when you use the Split statement at a Location, the Location must provide a separate Flow for the new Entity type to follow.
Parameter Examples
Let's say you have two Entity types defined in your Simulation Browser: Log and WoodChip, and you want to split the Log Entity into multiple WoodChip Entities when it reaches the Woodchipper Location. Define the statement...
Split 100 As WoodChip
...in the Woodchipper Location Logic. Next, create a Flow from the beginning of the system to the Woodchipper Location that the Log Entity follows. Since the Log Entity is completely used up at the Woodchipper Location, the Log Flow can end there. Create another Flow for the WoodChip Entities to take them from the Woodchipper Location to the end of the system.
Every time a Log Entity reaches the Woodchipper Location, it is split into 100 WoodChip Entities. If the total cost of the Log Entity is 100 when it reaches the Woodchipper Location, each Woodchip Entity would then have a cost of 1.
When the old Entity splits into the new Entity types, the old Entity total cost at that time in the simulation is evenly divided among the new Entities. The new Entities retain the Attributes of the old Entity. Note that the old Entity must release any Resources it owns using the Free statement before being split, since Resources cannot be passed on to new Entities through a Split statement. For more information about the Free statement, see Free.