Entity-Related Operation Statement
Load pack a specified quantity of Entities onto a base Entity. Loaded Entities must be routed to the loading Location using the Load Routing Rule. Optionally choose to load permanently, conditionally, within time before moving on, and by priority. Use Load to model parts placed into a container or pallet when they must be removed later.
Load <quantity> {Perm} {Iff <condition>} {in <time>} {, <priority>}
Syntax Examples
Load 5, 99
Load 5 Iff Attr3 > 2 IN 5 min
Load Pallet_Capacity
Load 5 Perm IN 10 min
The number of Entities to load onto the base Entity. This expression is evaluated at the time the Entity encounters the Load request.
This option causes the Load to behave the same as the Join statement. This permanently joins Entities to the base Entity executing the Load statement. Any Resources owned by the permanently loading Entities are transferred automatically to the base Entity.
{Iff <condition>}
This option allows the Load command to be conditional. Any Attributes, Entity functions, or Location functions apply to the Entity to be loaded, not to the base Entity. This technique allows only Entities with certain properties to be loaded onto the base Entity. To use Attributes, Entity functions, and Location functions that apply to the base Entity, assign the desired value to a local Variable and use the local Variable in the Boolean expression.
{in <time>}
The Entity loads Entities up to the specified limit for this amount of time and then goes on. Entities loaded with this option may have a load smaller than the specified amount.
{, <priority>}
Waiting Entities load arriving Entities by priority. This expression should be a number between 0 and 999.
Parameter Examples
In Processing logic for the Base Entity
In the base Entity flow at the Location Wire_Rack:
Load 1 Iff Attr1 = 1 in 4 min, 100
In Routing logic for the loading Entities
In the flow for the loading Entity, for routing type, select Load from the menu.
The Load statement is valid in operation logic only. A process may contain multiple Load statements and no more than one Unload statement following all Load statements. Load may not be used in the same process with Split As, Create, Combine, Group, or Ungroup.
Load does not transfer cost or statistics of the loaded Entity. However, if the Perm option is used, the cost of the loading Entity does get transferred to the base Entity.
Additional Entities may be added to an Entity’s existing load with additional Load statements.
Temporarily loaded Entities retain their identity and may be unloaded with an Unload statement. If a base Entity owns a Resource when the Entities are unloaded, the Resource stays with the base Entity. Any Resources owned by temporary loading Entities are kept and cannot be freed until the Entities are unloaded.