Entity-Related Operation Statement
The Create statement generates a specified Entities count at a Location. These Entities copy all original Entity Attributes and can optionally take the original Entity’s Resources. The created Entities can either be the same Entity type as the original or can optionally be changed to a new Entity type.
Create <expression1> {As <entity name>} {TAKE {<expression2>} <resource>,...}
Create 10 As EntX
Create 2 As EntB TAKE 1 Res1, 2 Res2
Create Var1 As Ent(Var2) TAKE Var3 Res(Var4)
The amount of Entities to create. This parameter cannot be left blank.
{As <entity name>}
An optional parameter that changes the created Entities into a new Entity type. The Entity name is the new Entity type and must be the name of another Entity you have defined in the Simulation Browser's Entities tab. The new Entity type must have its own defined Flow.
{TAKE {<expression2>} <resource>,...}
An optional parameter that directs the created Entities to take a specified amount of Resources from the original Entity. The expression2 parameter represents how many of a particular Resource the created Entities take from the original Entity. If this parameter is left blank, it is assumed to be 1. Resource is the Resource name the created Entities takes. You may also use commas to specify multiple Resources in the same Create statement.
If the statement...
Create 10 defined in a Location, and a Project Entity enters that Location, ProModel creates 10 new Project Entities and then moves on to the next Location in the Flow. If the statement...
Create 10 As Paperwork defined in the Location instead, when the Project Entity enters the Location, ProModel creates 10 Paperwork Entities. The created Paperwork Entities then travel on their own Flow path while the original Project Entity continues through the original Flow path. Suppose the Project Entity owns a Worker Resource when it enters the Location and the statement...
Create 10 As Paperwork Take Worker defined in the Logic of the Location. When the Project Entity enters the Location, the 10 created Paperwork Entities take the Worker Resource, and the Project Entity no longer owns any Resources.
Create cannot be used in Routes.
The newly created Entities require no additional capacity at the location and are processed immediately.
The Create statement forms a new Entity with new statistical information and cost. ProModel adds an initial cost to explicitly created Entities (i.e., Entities created with the Create statement).
ProModel allows you to use the Create statement implicitly as part of the routing definition. To do this, define a route block and check the New Entity option. ProModel does NOT add an initial cost to implicitly created entities.